EyeFly 3D offers real 3D on the go for different forms of supported media such as videos/pictures etc. This is achieved with only a thin film and two free apps. After opening the box the first thing I noticed was the nice sturdiness and quality of the lens. Analyzing the specs you find interesting features built into the product such as being shatterproof, shock absorbent, providing high light transmission and more. Installing the product was a trivial task as it was easy as putting on any screen protector. The real magic happens after opening the free EyeFly 3d apps and watching 3D content such as YouTube 3D. The 3D is truly breathtaking and puts alternatives to shame. The only issue I found was that it was hard to maintain the “sweetspot” for perfect 3d as the images do get slightly distorted depending on your viewing angle. If you are a fan of 3d than this product is definitely a buy, if you don’t really fancy 3D but require a high quality screen protector than this product performs well beyond its competitors for a fair price for the phone modals, (slightly overpriced for iPads).
Read more from www.thebizri.com